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Stampless Covers (#2)

Item # Description Price Picture
9557 Stampless envelope, intact, bearing a VF strike of DRYDEN NY FEB 12 [ca. 1846] attached rate "5" postmark, sent to Ithaca.  Cover with minor toning, scarcer attached rate postmark. $50
9509 Stampless envelope, fine and intact, file fold at right, VF red SACRAMENTO CITY CA JAN 28 [ca. 1851] postmark with matching "PAID" and "40", paying the transcontinental rate from California to Hampden, ME.  Scarce, ASCC (1985) $150. $85
9274 FLS, intact and VF, single mild central file fold, canceled by a superb strike of DOVER DE [high E] APR 15 (1829) with diamond ornament postmark, manuscript 10 rate mark, sent to Philadelphia. Beautiful. $40 1985 ASCC. SOLD
9277 SFL, VF and intact, bearing a VF double oval BELFAST MAINE Dec 12 [1823] postmark, manuscript Paid 10 rating, sent to Augusta, ME. ASCC 1985 $25. SOLD
9278 Stampless embossed lady's envelope, VF and intact, with XF EAST WINTHROP ME. SEP 6 postmark and PAID 3 in circle, all in blue, sent to Kingston, MA. Very attractive. $25
9085 SFL, VF and intact, bearing a VF red oval "STEAMER CORA" shaded letter, Ouachita & Mississippi rivers steamboat hand stamp (Milgram 291), datelined Champagnolle, Ark 6 MAR 1849 (DPO Union County 1846-1918) to New Orleans. $95


9191 SFL datelined Roxbury, MA 15 SEP 1800, to Worcester, MA, fine strike of 24x3mm straight line "BOSTON" postmark (Blake & Davis 151/156), circled "17 SE" date and manuscript "10" unpaid rating. Receipt docketing bottom left. ASCC 1997 $80. SOLD
8928 Stampless envelope, VF and intact, with VF GREENWICH N.Y. JAN 29 postmark (Washington County 1808-) and "FREE" in lozenge hand stamp, sent to the postmaster of West Cornwall, VT. The cover has a corner advertisement for Boot & Shoe Co. Extremely unusual to see a "free" postal treatment of an advertising cover, suggesting that the Greenwich postmaster improperly used free handling and possibly had a financial interest in the company. $40
8952 Stampless embossed lady's envelope, intact, with red NEWBURY, Vt. JAN 17 postmark and black numeral 1 (cent) rate hand stamp, scarce local drop rate marking.  Cover back flap bears a gold on red seal with the saying, "All's well that ends well." Cover stained on left edge. $35


8825 Stampless Official Business Reg. Bus. (Registry Business) canary envelope, XF and intact, with VF NEW YORK FREE NOV 3 postmark ("NOV" inverted), sent to recipients PO Box. $30
8799 SFL, VF and intact, bearing a VF-XF strike of oval GREENVILLE S.C. postmark (22 June manuscript date and 18¾ rate mark), 1833 family letter to Georgetown S.C. Clean, moderate central vertical file fold. ASCC 1985 $125. SOLD
7946 SFL, no content, bearing a F+ strike of fancy red quadruple ring GENEVA, NY, FEB ? postmark, circa 1828-38, with VF matching PAID and manuscript 18¾ rate mark. Letter sheet with vertical file fold, toned right edge. eBay Posted
7826 Stampless envelope, VF and intact, red NEW ORLEANS, MAR 7 postmark with VF+ black SHIP 6 CENTS inbound ship mail charge mark. Part of the Buchanan Carroll & Co. correspondence. Attractive. SOLD
7839 SFL, XF and fresh, canceled by an XF strike of black oval WILLIAMSPORT, MD. postmark (Kendall type 1, no date, Washington County, Maryland, 1796-), manuscript 24 quadruple rate Oct 5, 1835 bank letter to Hagerstown. ASCC $75. $45
7840 SFL, VF and fresh, canceled by an XF strike of black oval WILLIAMSPORT, MD. postmark (Kendall type 2, wide-spaced "I A", Washington County 1796-), manuscript 6 rate, Dec 4, 1835 bank letter to Hagerstown. ASCC $75. $45
6904 Stampless envelope, VF and intact, bearing a superb strike of PLEASANT GROVE, Md., ALLEGANY CO, MAR 16 (1853) postmark, manuscript "Free E. S. Zevely P.M." at upper right, letter addressed to Zevely's sister, Sophia in Salem, NC.  The letter proposes exchange of family daguerreotype images.  An exceptional example of this very scarce county-name Pleasant Grove postmark of Zevely manufacture and great exhibit item. SOLD
6502 Stampless cover, intact and VF, bearing an XF strike of scarce ELKTON, MD, MAR 26, attached rate PAID 3 postmark. Light Wilmington, DE, back stamp. A very attractive cover. SOLD

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